This publication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2013. június 15., szombat

15th of June – 1st day

The morning session
On this very first day of the Budapest T.T.T. program only the international group works together to kind of establish a base for the whole program. We have an easy starting in the bar of the corner next to Jurányi. A meeting point, sitting down having a first impression about ourselves as a group.  
Then we inhabit the space where we are going to work together:  Grabó studio, a 200 square meters space of Workshop Foundation under the roof of Jurányi Art Incubator House .

We start in a circle and Tamás is introducing the focus of our T.T.T.:

Interaction between our pedagogical work and artistic creation.

Before jumping into the depth of our work we decide to go around about:

·         who we are?
·         where do we come from?
·         presenting the essence of our work
·         presenting the situation of the dance scene in our countries from our point of view
·         what are our preview for the next week.

If you are interested to here everyone’s presentation, you can listen to them under the Voice Recordings menu point. :)

The Lunch break
Every day we will have a common lunch, a vegetarian menu ordered by Workshop Foundation. The last T.T.T.’s important conclusion in 2010 was that good food is a very important element of this work. :) Everyone was satisfied about it. It had an interesting effect on us: we started to share what does different animals say in our languages. A little best of: the Bulgarian dog: gaf gaf; the Finish donkey: a-i a-i (instead of i-a i-a…), the Hungarian frog: bre-ke-ke...
Then some of us when for a coffee, others had a little nap.

The afternoon session
When we came again together we gave ourselves 15 more minutes to tune in the work again by resting or moving. A mini contact duet appeared in the space : )

In the afternoon we start to map what will be our trajectory for the week. We start to investigate what are our common interests, fields. In order to visualize this, we take a big paper on which we write our main topic:


Everyone starts to write his/her ideas, key words, interests,… 10 minutes on our own over the same paper.

After collecting our own ideas we read the common harvest.
Everyone presents his/her ideas about the topic.
I write down a few words from each to just take the essence of thoughts that personally marked me from the sharing.

 VALENTINA: Our experience is not unique, we have all an ancient body containing the memories of evolution.  (reflecting on this common exercise)
Art could be anything. (the prix Jardin d’Europe was given to a concept: objects in the space that the “audience” can use, play with it…)
DEFNE: Why we are doing what we are doing?
TAMÁS: The trust for the material was always there in my teaching.
Artistic qualities in our daily life
ISCRA: Can we claim something ours? Is it our knowledge?
IVO: How to bring grace in the space?
HELÉNA: All I want is to stay in art. (by gilbert & george ) My teaching work feeds my performance work, my performance work feeds my teaching work.
VIKI: I can do anything only if I feel Love. Some years ago I experienced for the first time that  I can really be myself. This experience helps me to transmit this feeling to people (in the teaching)

After listening to everyone we tried to sense what is our common interest, what are the topics that appeared somehow in all the sharings. We found out that these key words will be our common ground:

At the end of the day we are discussing the structure of the next day(s).

For the morning session -when the 2 groups will work together -we agree on:  
everyone teaches 10 minutes (+3 minutes of guided feedback – optional).

Ok, let’s go to “Pótkulcs” to have a drink together! See you tomorrow!

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