20th of June – 6th day
Morning session:
We start the morning with AUTENTIC
MOVEMENT. Actually it was my proposal cause I felt the need to see „where we are”
as individuals and also as a group trough the mirror of our movement.
"Authentic Movement is
a holistic dance method in which we dive
into the depth of the body and it’s memory
awareness. We move from our inner impulses with closed eyes in a safe, and
non-judgmental space. Archaic and mystical forms of expression have room to
appear as much as play, desire, togetherness and rest". (Sabine Parzer)
We do on of the basic form called DIAD when we are in pars exchanging
the role of the mover and the witness. After the 2 rounds of movement, we come
together for a sharing about what we experience both as movers and witnesses.
Then we came together to share what did we experience concerning our HOMEWORK.
It was given by group 3 of yesterday, the one who were working with the
topic of “Open structure”. Here is the task:
Any time you realize that
you are doing something, change it! Continue this during 15 minutes.
Here is some sharing about
this experience:
Tamás: I could feel clearly the difference between intention and action. The
intention of doing something is there in a second, but the act…? It was hard to
get out of the exercise.
Julia G.: I was going home. When I realize this action, I stopped to smell the
flowers. I realize that I didn’t do this for so long time.
Heléna: I noticed that after taking a shower I am always drying myself in the
same way. This time it was a totally different feeling: I was changing my
action within my action.
Viki: Usually when I hear the word homework I feel a cramp in my stomach.
This morning I was pushed by my family to change my actions. I realized that I
was doing the homework.:)
Juli L.: I perceived a pain in my scapula this morning. Then came the idea: ok,
let’s change this….!
Tamara: I felt like a poisoned mouse. I know this state actually, but it was interesting
to experience it in this way. I would like to try this out within movement
How did this exercise born?
Within the open learning structure we invite ourselves to step into the unknown. To push ourselves in a place that we don’t
know. Katja worked a lot with this exercise in a workshop called „the Switch
project”, when they were doing it 1 hour a day with a witness. It is a way to recognize our automatism and to create a space to change our habits or just
to question our function.
We finish the morning session watching a
video about human creativity and its importance in education: Sir Ken Robinson
Afternoon session:
For the 2nd time during the
week we split in the 2 original groups: the international and the local one. (I still have some struggles how to call ourselves…:)
We were answering the following 3
What expectations did
I have concerning Budapest T.T.T.
What did I get?
What did I give?
We also started to prepare the final presentation
of the last day, when we share with the people our common work. Gathering ideas
about how can we present what happened during the last week with us.
In our group there were a lots of common feedbacks about the 3 questions:
A big motivation to
participate in the program was to come together again with the participants of the junior group.
Actually we are all coming from the same school, we know each other very well,
we are a community.
At the same time
there was the wish to meet new people, to get new impulses.
To be in an intensive
workshop situation was also an important source of motivation in which we can
dive into a deep process.
There were some
expectations or I would rather say previews about the structure of our week:
working together in the morning in 2 groups and in the afternoon separately.
Feeling that we all
have the same questions, interest was an important experience for us. Not only our small group, but the other teachers, dancers from other countries has similar interest within their work:
are 3 different fields, aspects of dancing but they kind of feed, inspire each other. We almost can't speak about them separately (this last sentence in my conclusion)
Tamara: I would like to be present and active in all of the 3 and I can perceive that there is so much knowledge in these fields.
Tamara: I would like to be present and active in all of the 3 and I can perceive that there is so much knowledge in these fields.
We learned a lot from
being in this "Open structure mode”:
how to organize ourselves,
how to listen, to react, to hear and feel the needs and to summarize and give a
Often perceiving how
each of us is present, which role do we take was even more interesting and
instructive then the content itself.
We went deep in analyzing
this open structure and its advantages and disadvantages from the point of view of a
school and also comparing with the school where we all come from: Budapest
Contemporary Dance Academy leaded by Iván Angelus. ( http://www.tanc.org.hu/)
We have the feeling
that we gave some kind of safety trough the fact that we as a group, we are a
community, for the others it could give the sensation of “home”.
We gave our openness and constant attention.
We were giving also another point of view, another prospective for all the
topics we touched.
Dear reader! We are approaching the end of T.T.T. 2013. I feel touched
while writing down this
sentence… This intensive togetherness and sharing
created in me the deep feeling of being part of a group.
You are all very warmly welcome for tonight’s presentation about our
work from 7PM in Jurányi Art Incubator House, Workshop Foundation's Grabó studio (4th floor). See you!
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