16th of June – 2nd day
This is the first day when the 2 groups are working together. There are twice as much people in the
space as yesterday, we are feeling up the the Grabó studio!!
People are arriving by warming up, in the beginning mostly on the floor then gradually
also moving in the space.
Tamás is keeping the time, gathering us in a circle
and integrating the new group by summarizing very briefly our conclusion from the work of yesterday. He accentuates that during the week the international group will
work with co-teaching.
Today’s starting and also the focus for the whole work
are the
10 minutes teachings of each member from the international team.
-Do we want to introduce our teaching shortly to the
young group? –asks Tamás.
– comes the common wish! J
We decide that the order of the teachings will follow
organically, we will thread it.
From here starts
the journey dear reader! You will find the description of all 7 mini-classes.
In order to not just present you a dry description I add with italic letters between the lines my
juicy comments:
what do I notice, experience, discover during each teaching in my body, in the
space. I also gave a title to the 10 minute sessions, pointing out the essence of
that 10 minutes – for me.
After the lunch break we had a common sharing. In a
circle we gave 10+5 minutes to givee feedback. In the first
10 min. the teacher him/herself just listens, in the last 5 minutes he/she can
add comments, reflect on what was sad about the mini class.
The report of this afternoon session is a series of quotes from us reflecting on the teachings. Enjoy!
As you read the structure of the mini-teachings, I invite you to try to imagine and embody the exercise, the situation and read it’s description with your whole body. This is my score for the blogers. :)
ISCRA – "The floating body"
„I propose
you an exercise that I did few years ago in which I could experience the floating body.”
We go into
groups of 4. One person is in the middle, the others around. The person in the
middle starts to shift the weight into the hands of the partners. He/she can move
in the space freely moving the others as well. The touchers are:
giving support
awakening the body parts that they
perceive more static, where movement can enter
softening the limbs with touch
We switch role every 2-3 minutes
I am together
with Valentina, Julia Vavra and Ivo. I enjoy to perceive the weight shifts of
the body between our hands, and also the moment when suddenly I perceive the whole situation: it becomes an interplay between the 4 of us. It becomes one
When I have my eyes closed I feel very light
and in complete security to drop my weight into the hands of the others.
translation of sensation from body to paper
We start standing and sensing how our weigh starts to settle into the ground
imagining the dust falling inside the body all the way down to the feet, into
the ground.
After this we perceive
one point in the body. We let this area come to us, the one that pulls our
After witnessing that place we take a piece of paper
and draw/write our sensation down.
Then we stand up again taking a partner,
the person next to us and exchanging the next series of touch:
placing the hands from front and back
on the chest – what is my intention in the touch? What is my intention in receiving
the touch?
placing the hands on the two sides of
the shoulder
giving “rain drops” with the finger tips
right under the clavicles from the sternum to the shoulder joint, reminding
them their direction of opening on the two sides
putting the hands on the top of the
shoulders and then giving rain drops on the trapezius from neck to the shoulder
joints, from the shoulder blades all the way down to the lumbar part of the
back, tracing the trapezius with our hands
from shoulders go all the way down to
the heels, remaining with this last for a sec. to ground our partner.
back to ourselves, perceiving what has changed
in the body concentrating again on a concrete place (can be the same or another
as before) and again translating the perception into the paper.
We switch
places with someone in the space and look at his/her paper. We take whatever
is there and give a feedback about it in
motion. Whatever movement comes out from what I saw on my partners paper.
Then coming back to my paper I add something to my drawing.
To finish I turn the paper and write down a word in any language.
My word: “Nyál”,
that means saliva in English. :)
IVO – "What is
your personal time?"
We sit in a circle and get a question:
What is your
personal time now?
We stay about 1 minute with this and then Ivo asks us
to find a movement with our hand what we can repeat. We find the beginning and the
end of the movement and then we start again and again.
We have a series
of instructions while doing the same movement:
Change your perception of time while
you are doing the movement
do it as if 1000 years passes while
doing the movement
do it as if one second passes while
you are doing the movement
I realize that
my perception of time changes my view! When I was perceiving the movement
during 1000 years I suddenly saw my body sitting on the ground, I saw it big
and very concrete. It was a very strongly felt shift in my perception. After this, during
the one second movement, I perceive my hand caressing my feet, noticing the
weins under the surface: in the dense time details are showing themselves. In a
waste time perception space is opening as well.
Then we stand up and connect to our central axis. We sense the area between
the top of the head and the perineum, putting the palms together over the
head to sense this axes even more clearly.
Then we shift it forward and ketch it at the very last second before falling, putting suddenly
our palms together in front of the chest bending forward from the hips.
Same thing backwards
by squeezing the hands.
We shift forward again, we catch our axis and then we
drop the weight on the ground. And again and again…several times.
We do the same thing, but this time 1000 years are passing while we do the
We do the same thing in one second.
At the end we sit down, coming back to the same
How do I perceive time? What is my personal time?
How do I perceive time? What is my personal time?
Then we look around: how do the others perceive time?
We have 1-2 minutes to write about our experiences.
My timing? I Just feel that I could look into the eyes of another for very long time… but I don’t know any more what does this mean…:)
TAMÁS – awakening
of the instinctual movement, shaking up the space
We get a partner. We stand side to side and slowly,
together we roll down, we give weight to each other and then we roll up.
We separate and start to shake our whole body – into the spot where we are standing. When we
feel “shaken” into that point, we step
out of it, we run to an other place and start to shake again…
The space
starts to live, the whole group moves, energy moves, eyes are opened as we have
to take care not to bump into some one.
After this game we play with the idea that someone wants to catch me and I run
Switching into the idea that I am the catcher, I am the one who attacks.
We are
becoming more and more physical; I feel the awakening of instincts, primary
movement and reflexes, another kind of energy within the body, within the
“Let’s do it in an easy way, like in those movies, in matrix, when
you just move right before the attack arrives to you. ” – comes the
instruction from Tamás.
Then we play freely with the 2 ideas: being attacked
or attacking.
Sound appears in the space and I am amazed by
the animal like physicality that appeared so quickly in the studio.
To end we get a partner and we stend one in front of the other. We close our eyes and start to
shift our body around our central axis.
In this
moment I have a very interesting sensation, a totally new body perception came
to me: the 2 sides of my body are having a conversation: my 2 shoulders, my left eye ball with the right
one, my right knee with the left one… Suddenly I can perceive the symmetry of my body. I feel
symmetric and un-symmetric at the same time cause there is a constant flow
between the two, constant movement. My right side and my left side are having an
endless common dance.
[We take a
short pi-brake for 5 min.]
During the 10 minutes Valentina speaks a lot about the
little babies: how do they perceive space, that this perception is the first to develop and just after that the kinesthetic
sense appears in the body.
She gives us the idea of the body without form (amorphous): what could be
the “unformal” body for you? While playing with this “amorphous” body we come
to the formal body, embodying the spine, sensing the structure of it.
While playing
with this 2 different ideas I realize how do I translate them for myself: when I move
from the “unformal” body (body without form), suddenly I “see” and perceive the
liquid in it, the liquid that unifies all my body parts that flows everywhere
inside. When I decide to move with the “formal” body, I have an inner
image of bones and muscles… structure appears. These are two very different
qualities. Now as I write about it I understand that they mustn’t feel so
different and divided as they are still living in the same body… my body.
We start to play with different energies in the body. Exploring the energetic level of the movement.
Then we go on with the idea and image of the children
constantly going out from their
central axis, this "safe place". We “break the rules of safety” with our movements.
We continue with “maping” or discovering the space with our movement. Moving
becomes a way to feel and “measure” the space that is available to us,
"Which kind of
space you are moving in? Is it calming? closing?...? YOU can
imagine 10 spaces in this space. Going through spaces of colors with different densities".
At the end of these very dense 10 minutes Valentina
speak about the 9 week old embryo
who’s exoderm, endoderm and mesoderm are communicating with all our fluids. This is the time
when we find “our first rhythm”. In standing position we try to connect to
that rhythm, to that memory, that is still there in our body.
VIKI - “ you
are not independent of the others”
We split in 2
groups. Viki asks us to find a movement that starts on the floor comes up to
standing and goes back on the floor again. We get 2 minutes to fix this movement. When we are done the space become the stage.
We take this movement into a performance situation. Everyone does his/her movement once. We are
perceiving the others in the space and we relate to them with our movement.
One group in on “stage” the others are becoming
The first round we do the fixed movement.
The second round we improvise with the same idea:
starting from the ground, coming up and then going back down on the floor. This time we get a music for our performance.
During Viki’s performances I could
see and touch the shift of attention in the space. Beautiful constellations that gave me the hanger of being together in this context. To create this kind of
atmosphere, kinesphere… sphere.
KATJA – "find your
speed and stay with it"
She leads us back to the very beginning of this morning’s
the body sensation that you had while doing Iscra’s
Perceive the body as a whole
a speed for your movement and
stay with it. As in your car, you chose your speed and now you stay on that
start to enter to the space of the others without changing your speed, don’t
get influenced by their speed
your intensity without increasing the speed. What does it mean
to increase intensity?
In the last 2 minutes we can change whatever we want to change
Stopping the
movement and changing rhythm feels new
and exciting. I go for a walk, I touch others, I feel all the info’s from the teachings
becoming one in my inner space. Actually this inner space become bigger than
the limits of my body.
At the end we get 2 minutes of writing with the same idea: write with the same speed without
I wrote as
newer before: I was drawing my letters on the paper. This is a new experience
of the action of writing. Oh, I think a nice bridge was creates between my left
and right brain.J
LUNCH jupi! I’m so hungry!! Good food: zukini soup. potatoes
with stuffed paprica and tomato based vegetable sauce..hmmmm…
Here comes the sharing of the afternoon session. 2-3-4 feedbacks about each class:
about ISCRA's class
I enjoy getting to know each other through
the degree of touch. There are 1000 ways of touching. It gives a lot of
information non-verbally.
Tamás: I
had a similar sensation in the 2 different roles. I felt like being in one flow
during the 10 minutes.
Iscra: I
miss the experience of being inside the task. I just realize that I could
have done it.
abou DEFNE's class:
Juli L.: It
is the only session for me where the 10 minutes was a "positive" framing. I didn’t
have the time to think about what I will draw. I just jumped into every experience.
there where many proposals layered on each other.
Viki: I
hate drawing, I never draw cause I don’t like my drawings. Now I was perceiving
the movement of my hand and I enjoyed it. The area that I was perceiving before
the drawing was the pain in my back. I don’t believe in these things but it
worked: my back pain was gone when I was perceiving it for the 2nd
Defne: It
was a short demo about my approach. I work a lot with creative response which is
not a verbal feedback. Can be drawing or moving.. I create space for self-expression.
about IVO's calass:
Defne: I realized
that my perception of time is related to my emotions.
Anna: An
interesting moment was perceiving my own personal time while perceiving the
other’s personal time, who were also looking at others personal time…
Tamás: 1000
years… I was seeing the timeline of the history book…:) We are learning the past of
humanity… there is so much pain. I was feeling this pain in that one second.
Conclusion: 1000 year is just one second.
Juli H.:
At the end I had an endless feeling.
Ivo: I prefer to listen to you if you have other
thing to say.
about TAMÁS's class:
Katja: Moving
my whole body in the space brought back energy , helped me to come back into my
Shaking was a moment of doing and watching at the same time
It was very
strong to stay in front of my partner at the end! I could feel the emotional body
of the other.
Tamás: It
is like a children play… to try to catch
each other.
about VALENTINA's class:
Anna: it
was inspiring for my body and my intellect at the same time.
Katja: I
don’t know what is the "informal body"...
Juli L.:
Neither me. But I could see clearly 2 different qualities on your body Valentina. Personal
Viki: I realize
that I never think about the body without form.
Tamás: I
could make a distinction: thinking about my body in 2 different ways.
finding the essence from chaos.
about VIKI's class:
there were no mistakes even if we did not do what your score was.
Iscra: the
fact that we looked at each other, changed totally the space. Our perception.
Juli L.: I
enjoyed practicing the situation of performance, that we usually don’t do in
the studio.
Viki: I
want you to see each other!
about KATJA's class:
Anna: For
me it was like putting thing in my body
to their place. It was a simple reminder traveled through a whole journey
during the 7 teachings.
Tamás: I
could find a flow in writing that usually is a difficult task for me.
Ivo: I felt
the freedom of breaking the rules. It was due to your attitude of proposing the
At the end of the day we give 20 minute silent open space.
We are reflecting on the whole day:
The morning session was one continuous co-teaching
For the last 20 minutes we split into 2 groups for the first time. We, the young teachers... are forming our group.
We are discussing our role, our interest, our methodology...
I leave this for tomorrow. No more words, my body asksfor another kind of digestion. Sleeping.:)
See you very soon! ;)
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