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2013. június 19., szerda

19th of June – 5th day

Dear T.T.T. group!
Thank you so much for this day! I learned so much about teaching, the art of sharing!
This is how I lived the work of today:
We arrived somehow to the middle of our time together and this was very much sensible in the space, in the group dynamic between us. Till now we were gathering and mapping what is our common interest, what are the fields that we want to discus in their depth and we created lot of situations in which both intellectually and physically we could do that.
Today there was some kind of a questioning on how to proceed, how to structure the following two days and designate the direction that will lead us to a conclusion till Friday.
Actually we created in our reality, within ours group and common research one of our central common topics: THE OPEN STRUCTURE. We are experiencing on our skins the advantages and disadvantages of this way of structuring our program.
I feel very thankful that we allow ourselves to function in this way! All the group is participating in its own movement, I feel that we are all dancing together, not only literally but also metaphorically. It is a constant improvisation that allows us to remain fully with what is here and now and to work with all 14 people’s presence.
Today we could all experience how it is to enter into this field which is unknown for everyone: how does it work if we don’t have a leader who give us the direction to follow, but we all try to hear each other, and sense what is the direction that shows up.
This created a moment of chaos and instability among us.

I remember you saying today:
Katja: „The question is: how can we use this chaos to arrive where we all want to arrive.
Julia G.: „I can feel from the beginning that we are coming from different places, with different experience, with a different pathway, but at the same time I feel clearly that there is something common that connects us.”

Today I lived some kind of a catharsis with the Jam of Peace at the end of the day. This event was proposed by Defne who spoke a lot about the actual extreme situation in Turkey - that she experiennced on her own skin-, about the aggressively of the police towards people who want to protect the “Gezi park” in the heart of the city, were the government wants to create a shopping mole. We dedicated our dance to the Peace in Turkey and all over the World. You can find detailed information about this event on the following link:  

Please see also the interview bellow with Defne Erdure about the situation in her country (Hungarian only):

About our work today:

The structure of the day is composed of 7 phases. Because this day is very much connected to the PEACE in the world, I use the 7 colors of the rainbow for the 7 topics.:)

1. Arriving – looking at the books
We are sharing in these days books that are sources of inspiration, daily used handbooks for our work. We gathers a list of books that can help to nourish our work.

2.Gathering topics to work on within small groups – preparation of LAB
Under the umbrella of „Place of Art in Pedagogy” we created together our list of interest:
·         different way of learning (time to enbody the information, differnet tipes of memory, senses in learining: kinesthetic, visual, analitical…)
·         What is dance? The performative aspect of teaching
·         Different „places” to teach from. Tools, techniques that we use.
·         Trust between teacher and student
·         open learning structure

3.Warm up of Ivo + feedback circle
Ivo gave us a half an hour warm up. We worked basically with the 3 bodies:
·         front body that is connected to our organs and digestive system
·         back body that is connected to our nervous system
·         middle body that is connected to our structure: muscles, bones, but also the heart (the blood) and the sexual organs.
Then we come back to a circle to give feedback about our experiences.

4. Round about where we are? What is the direction that we want to follow from now one? (2 minutes each)
There was a wish to hear everyone where he/she is now in the process? What is our interest, how to proceed?

5. Lunch break
We continued to reflect on our situation as a research group but informally in little groups. Then each took time to digest the huge amount of information that has been shared, not just today, but during the whole program till now.

6. Art therapy Jam
When we met again, we just put some music on and started to dance – to connect to our body. We created a score: min. 5 max., 12 people in the space and we dj. Moving, being together non-verbally was a way to let all the  intellectually shared information to find it’s place in our bodies.

7. LABing in 3 groupes
We came bake to our list of interest and created 3 little groups who worked together to develop their topic.

group 1 (Iskra, Tamara, Julia G., Julia V., Julia L.): The role of language in teaching

group 2 (Defne, Anna, Viki, Valentina and Heléna):
What is dance? The performative aspect of teaching?
Different „places” to teach from. Tools, techniques that we use.

group 3 (Julia H., Ivo, Tamás, Katja): open learning structure

After the LAB group 1 and 2 did a short presentation about their labing.


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